Canalloween Enjoyed by All

Once again the VCA supported Canalloween … a community-wide Holloween party for our kids … on October 31 (of course !!!).

There was a huge crowd who enjoyed pizza and Halloween treats.

There was a huge crowd who enjoyed pizza and Halloween treats.

Canaloween Chair Marianne Wisner and helper Maxine Leral.

Canaloween Chair Marianne Wisner and helper Maxine Leral.

January Parkos Arnall's face painting table had a waiting line.

January Parkos Arnall's face painting table had a waiting line.

Kent & Elizabet Hayward ... Check out the wormey hair !!!

Kent & Elizabet Hayward ... Check out the wormey hair !!!

The youngest "jail bird" ... Dean Hayward

The youngest "jail bird" ... Dean Hayward.

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